Kid Corner

Alejandra Moros
6 Cabrera
Mrs. Santalo’s Grammar  Class

Yellowstone National Park

My family always goes on extraordinary trips. This summer, we decided to go to Yellowstone National Park. I learned to appreciate nature much more. The campgrounds were beautiful, there’s always so many things to do, and you could spend hours looking at the giant mountains and vast plains that looked like they could go on forever, just soaking it all in and breathing in the crisp, fresh air.
            There were about five main campgrounds. They were all closed off and it felt like we were alone; my mom, my dad, my sister, me, and the RV. The tall pines seemed touch the sky and at night the temperature would drop to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Every night the fire would reflect in our eyes as we stared, paralyzed, into the flames of our campfire with melted s’mores in our mouths and our jokes and thoughts flying across the blaze.
            There was something to do every day. We went hiking and saw huge herds of bison. Whenever we took a bike ride, we could see where bears had marked their territory by clawing at the trees. When we went to rent the bikes, we took a slight detour and ended up seeing Old Faithful, a giant geyser, shoot boiling hot water 100 feet up into the air. And once, when we went whitewater rafting, our guide told us about a rapid called “Yankee Jim’s Revenge” as we plunged into the below-freezing Yellowstone River water. Whatever we did, we had a great time doing it.
            But the best thing to do was just look. To look up at the snow peaked mountains passing the clouds, the trees, and the sparkling rivers crowded with fish. To look at the animals everywhere, from the tiny chipmunks trying to get our breakfast, to the giant bears that you could supposedly see at night near the picnic tables. But the best thing to do was gaze up at the sky in front of a campfire, watching the ashes climb up higher and higher until they disappeared into the stars.
            Going to Yellowstone made me appreciate nature much more. It gave me a different view of the world and I started noticing every little detail of everything. But most of all, I got to have fun with my family at a place like no other.